I love open source. I really do. I use tons of stuff published in Github but until now I haven’t done anything useful to others. Finally, I’ve had a simple idea of scrapping football results and serve them as a JSON. Yes, I’m a nerd guy who loves football (GO BENFICA!).

I open the livescore website multiple times a day but if the results where right inside of my terminal? This tiny workarounds save plenty of time during the day, specially if you’re a programmer.

To get this running just install and include scores-parser in your JavaScript file.

$ npm install scores-parser
var scores = require('scores-parser')

In order to retrieve the results call the main function with or without parameters and callback.

scores({ date: 'YYYY-MM-DD' }, function (data) {
  // handle results 

When I search for NPM packages they must be very clear and doesn’t try to do many things. So I split my idea in two separated packages. One to parse the results and serve them as JSON. The other consumes that JSON and transforms into a formatted table.

The other package is scores-table. You can install and use it like this.

$ npm install -g scores-table
$ scores-table -l


These are my first NPM packages and already have 568 downloads.

scores-parser ~ scores-table